alert( "1\\2".match(/\\/) ); // '\' A backslash \ is used to denote character classes, e.g. Reserved characters These are special characters such as the dollar sign, ampersand, plus, common, forward slash, colon, semi-colon, equals sign, question mark, and "at" symbol. Use a raw string to represent a backslash. As such, it needs to be escaped itself (usually with another backslash). Paths are backed up by slashes, whereas other files and processes use forward slashes. Any %var% within the block will be replaced by that variable's value at the time the block is parsed - before the block is executed - the same thing applies to a FOR .DO (block). For example, when you type in a URL into a web browser, the forward slashes are used to separate the different parts of the URL. Learning how browsers work in reality is for help in coding and debugging rather than advocating doing things the wrong way. http://www.fiddler2.com/fiddler2/for instance. It does not check whether str contains characters escaped by a backslash . A personal blog keeping notes and thoughts. In Python strings, the backslash is a special character, also called the escape character. Backslashes (\) are used for local file paths on Windows. Punctuation Tips: The Backslash and Forward Slash. A\b solves the linear algebra problem A*X=b. Background checks for UK/US government research jobs, and mental health difficulties, Performance Regression Testing / Load Testing on SQL Server. Linux, on the other hand, uses the forward slash (/) as a directory separator. Unfortunately the third party system is not a .NET based system. When Microsoft and IBM parted ways in 1990, Microsoft took what code they had and created Windows NT, on which all modern versions of Windows are based, carrying this separator agnosticism with it. Later, Microsoft and IBM collaborated on an operating system unrelated to DOS called OS/2. Very interesting, but let me split some hairs: All Unix-like operating systems, including Mac, Linux, Android, Chrome, and Steam, use forward slashes to divide directories. UNIX, on the other hand, frequently employs the forward slash (/). S slashes have two different functions. See @Val Bonn's answer. If someone wants to pay for something with cash, a compliment, or both, they can do so. That was where the forward slash and backslash came in. For instance, n represents a line feed, and t represents a tab. Technology has made backslashes more advanced than forward slashes. But wait! Math formula. Report Post. Sometimes it is also used in place of the hyphen (-) to indicate a strong connection between two words. Unfortunately, my Chrome displays both entities \ \ and \ \ as Yen characters. What CiviCRM permissions do I need to grant in order to allow "create user record" for a CiviCRM contact. ABOUT. What does forward slash do? Selenium, on the other hand, will write values into Firefox preferences, which, unlike Python, expects the appropriate kind of separator. So this file path: C:\Documents\Foo translates to this URI: file:///C:/Documents/Foo. Notification Preferences. Note that there is a space after w/o. In short, to match a literal backslash, one has to write \\ as the RE string, because the regular expression must be \, and each backslash must be expressed as \ inside a regular Python string literal. The directory separator character separates the file path and the filename. returns a url with "%2F" in it. In TeX typesetting system, it is used to begin the various markup tags, to identify them differently. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. They are commonly used to separate words, lines of poetry, abbreviations, dates, and fractions. Syntax: originalString.replace (/\//g, replacementString) In the beginning, MS-DOS (the foundation to early Windows) didn't support directories. URL encoding is the practice of translating unprintable characters or characters with special meaning within URLs to a representation that is unambiguous and universally accepted by web browsers and servers. It is located above the Enter key (Return key), and below the Backspace key. How Is Proofreading Different From Revising? That's why using forward slashes does not work in your example. The one inarguably acceptable use of the slash in formal writing pertains to poetry. How can I set the default value for an HTML